Saturday, January 1, 2022


Welcome to my Music review blog.  Just so that we are all on the same page, this isn't a traditional music review blog, where you can look to find information on new - or even old - music, songs, albums, records, etc.  This is a single-purpose blog.  I will be listening to the Top 500 albums of all time as ranked by Rolling Stone magazine, and discussing those - and only those - albums.  

There will not be any high-level music discussion, just simply my thoughts on each album, from 500 to 1, including items like my favorite song, my least favorite song, I have I heard the album before, would I listen to it again, and do I think that album was overranked, underranked or appropriately ranked.

This is likely going to take me a long time to complete, but hey, I still get to listen to a lot of great albums, and hopefully find some to which I had not previously been exposed. 

Anyway - welcome and enjoy.


Welcome to my Music review blog.  Just so that we are all on the same page, this isn't a traditional music review blog, where you can lo...